Redmond boys, girls to take on Eastlake in basketball action tonight

Kyle Sawtell poured in 17 points to lead Redmond to its first basketball victory of the season by a 67-52 count over Kennewick on Dec. 29. Conrad Croshaw added 13 points and Marshall Cherrington had 11. Redmond (1-10 overall and 0-5 in league) will travel to Eastlake at 7:30 p.m. tonight.

Kyle Sawtell poured in 17 points to lead Redmond to its first basketball victory of the season by a 67-52 count over Kennewick on Dec. 29. Conrad Croshaw added 13 points and Marshall Cherrington had 11.

Redmond (1-10 overall and 0-5 in league) will travel to Eastlake at 7:30 p.m. tonight.

In a 54-42 loss to Kamiakian on Dec. 28, Sawtell had 20 points.

• The Mustang girls beat Everett, 58-56, on Dec. 29 behind 24 points from Lauren Bogard and 15 points from Kelsey Dunn.

Redmond (3-7 overall and 1-4 in league) will travel to Eastlake at 6 p.m. tonight.

In a 45-35 loss to Glacier Peak on Dec. 27, Bogard had 18 points; in a 46-29 loss to Lynnwood on Dec. 28, Dunn had 15 points.