Feeling like a yo-yo regarding LWSD bond | Letter

I feel like a yo-yo going round and round with the upcoming mega bond issue for building schools.

I feel like a yo-yo going round and round with the upcoming mega bond issue for building schools.

I was moved by the recent letter written by a student crying out for more classrooms. And then a letter showing the bond issue has some serious risks, and does not offer immediate help where it is most needed. For instance, I had no idea that the large school district has no professional facilities director.

I have lived in other states where school districts implemented a year-round schedule. This allows facilities to be utilized more efficiently. Our schools sit idle for 12 weeks.

I live on Education Hill near Horace Mann. The school now has some four portables. And yet neighborhood church facilities (with large parking lots) are idle Monday-Friday. Why not set up a few classrooms inside the neighborhood church buildings?

I have to wonder who created the facilities plan and what alternatives were considered. I am in the dark.

Richard Morris
