Easing the pain of expensive gas

Time magazine had an interesting article in a recent July issue: 10 Things You Can Like About $4 Gas.

Time magazine had an interesting article in a recent July issue: 10 Things You Can Like About $4 Gas.

The writer mentioned such things as less sprawl as people opt to live closer to their work, less pollution as we drive less, fewer deaths — again because we drive less and slower (to save fuel), etc.

All well and good.

But the high price of gasoline also pinches our pocketbooks.

While that hurts, there is a silver lining: it can make us look around for less expensive things to do. Fortunately, around here there is a lot to do that doesn’t cost much, if anything.

If you check the Redmond Reporter’s Calendar or Out and About listings, you’ll find plenty of activities for you and your family to do right here at home. No need to to gas up the SUV and head across the state.

For example, Movies @ Marymoor now has started. Each Wednesday at 7 p.m. you can catch a movie on the lawn at Marymoor Park. Next up is “Juno” on July 23. “Monsoon Wedding” follows on July 30 and the classic “Singing in the Rain” plays on Aug. 6. The movies continue through Aug. 27. The cost? Just a $5 donation per person or only $15 per family. Marymoor Park is at 6046 W. Lake Sammamish Parkway N.E., just at Bellevue’s edge.

Live more on the west side of Redmond? OK. Try an outdoor movie at Carillon Point. These are at dusk Saturdays through Aug. 16. Up next: “Hairspray” tonight, “Wallace & Gromit: on July 26 and “Transformers” on Aug. 2. The cost is a $5 donation to Hopelink. Head to 4100 Carillon Point in Kirkland for the show.

Like music? Of course there is the annual Concerts at Marymoor, featured national bands and artists. Looking for something a little cheaper? Check out the free Redmond Concert Series at Redmond Town Center every Thursday night. How’s Bayou will be the next feature band.

Redmond has dozens of parks and miles of trails and greenbelts — all there waiting for you.

Check out the parks department webpage at www.redmond.gov/recreationarts/recreation_arts.asp to get maps, directions and more.