Work on new transformer at City Hall to start on Monday

On Monday, electrical contractors hired by the City of Redmond will begin work to add a new transformer and electrical capacity to the great lawn area of City Hall -- providing additional power for city and community events on campus.

On Monday, electrical contractors hired by the City of Redmond will begin work to add a new transformer and electrical capacity to the lawn area of City Hall — providing additional power for city and community events on campus.

The work includes digging a large trench from the north side of the grass by the Redmond Senior Center (RSC) south to the garden bed adjacent to City Hall. This trench will be marked as a construction zone and be off limits to the general public. The trench will be covered at night; however, residents and others using the campus in the evening must exercise extreme caution and stay away from the construction zone.

The project will take approximately two weeks to complete.

“We certainly apologize for any inconvenience this work will cause to our residents, but the additional electrical capacity will provide greater flexibility for the events held on campus,” said project manager Joe O’Leary.

For more information, contact O’Leary at (425) 556-2738 or