Summer dangers to kids and pets when left in hot cars | AAA report

The summer months can be a deadly time for children and pets left in a vehicle, even for a short amount of time.

The summer months can be a deadly time for children and pets left in a vehicle, even for a short amount of time. AAA recommends that parents, caregivers and pet owners never leave a child or pet unattended in a vehicle, even if the vehicle is parked in the shade or has a window open. Even on a mild or overcast day, the internal temperature of the vehicle can quickly increase causing the child or pet to suffer heatstroke or possible death. In 2014, 30 young children in the U.S. died of heatstroke because they were left in a vehicle.

Tips for parents and pet owners to prevent a tragedy:

• Avoid heatstroke by never leaving your child or pet in your vehicle, even for a minute.

• Create reminders and habits that give you a safety net. For example: leave an item you need at your next stop in the back seat so you don’t forget about your loved one.

• Take action if you see an unattended child or pet in a vehicle. Call 911 and follow the instructions of emergency personnel.

• Lock your car at all times — even in your garage or driver way — so young kids can’t climb into the vehicle without your knowledge.

• Discuss the issue of hot-car safety with everyone who drives your child, including partners, grandparents and babysitters.

• More than half of heatstroke deaths occurred when a rushed or distracted caregiver forgot a quiet child was in the vehicle.

• If your pet can’t come with you when you get out of the vehicle, leave the pet at home.

“During the summer months, there is no safe amount of time to leave a child or a pet alone in a car,” said Jennifer Cook, AAA Washington spokesperson.