Students flock to new Redmond Elementary playground

Lake Washington School District Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce and Mayor John Marchione make way for Redmond Elementary students surging onto the new playground after the ribbon was cut on Aug. 28.

Lake Washington School District Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce and Mayor John Marchione make way for Redmond Elementary students surging onto the new playground after the ribbon was cut on Aug. 28.

Also in attendance were Redmond Elementary Principal Jen Jarta, Redmond City Council members Byron Shutz, David Carson and Hank Margeson and two representatives from Lowe’s, which gave the school a $5,000 grant toward the playground. More than $30,000 was raised through cookie dough sales, ticket sales from a Winter Dance, donations from parents and community members as well as matching donations received from Microsoft and other local businesses, and a community sponsored spaghetti dinner held at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center.