Statewide survey results released: Washington drivers have attitudes, knowledge and awareness

Three quarters of surveyed Washington drivers thought they were likely to get a ticket for going 68 mph on a freeway posted for 60 mph. More than 90 percent thought they were likely to get arrested if they drove drunk. A third of drivers age 18-24 said they sent or received a text message or email while driving. These findings are in a report released by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC).

Three quarters of surveyed Washington drivers thought they were likely to get a ticket for going 68 mph on a freeway posted for 60 mph. More than 90 percent thought they were likely to get arrested if they drove drunk. A third of drivers age 18-24 said they sent or received a text message or email while driving. These findings are in a report released by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC).

Beginning in 2010, states are to survey residents annually on their opinions about driving and their awareness of enforcement campaigns. The 2011 Washington Driver Survey Report is available on the WTSC website.

The basic set of survey questions on self-reported seat belt use, impaired driving and speeding was designed and tested at the national level. Washington state added a question on driver cell phone use.

Survey results are used by WTSC to track trends and evaluate the effectiveness of programs, particularly with drivers involved in fatal crashes.

Darrin Grondel, director of the WTSC, said, “Evaluating drivers’ attitudes and awareness is very important to us. This information shows us the best ways we can reach our goals in Target Zero.”

Target Zero is Washington state’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan with a vision of zero traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which funds the survey, can use core outcome and behavior measures as part of its reporting to Congress and the public.