State Sen. Hill earns conservation award

State Sen. Andy Hill, R-Redmond, accepted an award for conservation leadership on behalf of the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust from Congressman Dave Reichert last Tuesday at a ceremony at Snoqualmie's Point Park viewpoint.

State Sen. Andy Hill, R-Redmond, accepted an award for conservation leadership on behalf of the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust from Congressman Dave Reichert last Tuesday at a ceremony at Snoqualmie’s Point Park viewpoint.

Hill was honored alongside state senators Steve Litzow, (R-Mercer Island), and Joe Fain, (R-Auburn), for efforts in reaching across the aisle during the 2011 session to preserve funding for the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program. That program has funded dozens of projects along the Greenway, but was initially slated for elimination in the governor’s budget.