Sen. Tom proposes $1 increase to cigarette tax

State Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Bellevue, introduced legislation last Friday to reduce smoking rates by raising the state cigarette tax by $1.

State Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Bellevue, introduced legislation last Friday to reduce smoking rates by raising the state cigarette tax by $1.

Tom described the bill as a critical public health measure.

“We know that the medical cost of one pack of cigarettes is $8.47,” said Tom. “Smoking is a self-inflicted cost that we as a society can no longer continue to subsidize.”

In 2004, the last year that data was available, smoking accounted for an estimated $1.95 billion in health expenses in Washington.

“The statistics around smoking speak for themselves,” said Tom. “Just this year, Washington had 7,600 smoking-related deaths.”

The state-run quit-line was closed down in recent years, leaving those wanting to quit with little help to do so. A small piece of revenue generated by the bill would be used to restore the service.

“In this difficult economy, we should be leveraging our dollars where it counts the most – that means prevention.”

The text of SB 6166 can be read here.