Second annual ‘Women in Business’ event will be Thursday at iPic Theaters

The Redmond Reporter will be recognizing local women business leaders at its upcoming second annual “Women in Business” networking event.

The Redmond Reporter will be recognizing local women business leaders at its upcoming second annual “Women in Business” networking event.

The free event will be held Thursday, Oct. 6 from 5-7:30 p.m. at iPic Theaters in the Redmond Town Center at 16451 N.E. 74th St.

The purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity for Redmond women business leaders to network and socialize with each other, check out the latest workplace fashions and give back to the community, according to Reporter publisher Andrea Southern, who is in charge of organizing the event.

Several business leaders will share their success stories at the event. Attendees will have “a chance to mingle and be inspired,” Southern said.

The event will feature a fashion show, showcasing clothing from several Redmond businesses, such as Trade Chic, The Closet and more.

The event will also have a charity aspect to it.

The Reporter will be collecting donations for Redmond’s YWCA Family Village “Working Wardrobe” program, which helps find job opportunities for people displaced from their homes by financial hardship or domestic violence. Women who attend the event are encouraged to bring gently-used work attire to be donated to the program, which also accepts men’s clothing.

Appetizers will be provided by iPic Theaters, which will give tours of their updated facility. To RSVP for the event, call The Reporter at (425) 867-0353.

For more information about the Working Wardrobe program at the YWCA Family Village in Redmond, contact Brenda McCallon by e-mail at or (425) 556-1354.