Redmond’s Eva Moon brings ‘Mutant Diaries’ to DVD

Redmond resident Eva Moon — star of the one-woman show, "The Mutant Diaries: Unzipping My Genes" — is working to bring her story to DVD.

Redmond resident Eva Moon — star of the one-woman show, “The Mutant Diaries: Unzipping My Genes” — is working to bring her story to DVD.

In the musical — which she has performed in front of live audiences from Redmond to London — Moon shares her story of having three surgeries in three months to reduce her risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, all due to the BRCA1 genetic mutation she inherited.

Her recent performance at the Rogue Machine Theatre in Los Angeles in October was recorded now Moon has launched a Kickstarter campaign to make producing the DVD possible.

“The show has such a positive message for people going through life-changing challenges. Women tell me they are grateful just to know they’re not alone,” she said. “With a DVD I can reach so many more than I could on my own.”

Moon is hoping to fund the DVD through pre-orders on her Kickstarter campaign which runs until Dec. 19.