Submitted by VFW Post #2995
Redmond’s VFW Post #2995 Honor Guard will be preforming the Retirement Ceremony of Unserviceable Flags at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday at 4330 148th Ave. N.E. This Flag Day ceremony provides an example of dignity and respect for the flag, and is elegant in its simplicity and completeness. Group participation is as important as it is moving.
The ceremony will be conducted outdoors and a large metal burn pit unit on a wheeled base will be used. The program usually includes a master of ceremonies, honor guard members, Boy Scouts, firefighters and Girl Scouts.
The cremation area or burner area is located at the opposite end of the yard at the VFW Post and away from the flags. The center of the area is left wide open where the final rites of the flag are conducted. During this ceremony, as long as flags remain to be retired, an honor guard stands at ease beside the flag table.
The ceremony begins with the master of the ceremony calling all to attention. The honor guard assembles near the master of the cremation and prepares the flag. The flag is unfolded and held open, a final hand salute is rendered. Then the Flag is refolded to its coffin-shaped rectangle with the reading of the 13 folds.
The honor guard comes forward one by one, along with other participants and places one flag at a time on the fire. All briskly salute, returning to the flag table, single file and in silence, to pick up another flag to be retired and following the same procedure until all flags have been placed in the fire.
The fire is then safely monitored until all flags are completely burned and the flames subside and/or extinguished. When the ashes have cooled, they are buried.