Redmond teen center offering summer volunteer opportunities

The Old Fire House Teen Center in Redmond is offering a number of volunteer opportunities for teens who want to get involved in their community this summer.

The Old Fire House Teen Center in Redmond is offering a number of volunteer opportunities for teens who want to get involved in their community this summer.

Teens will work on projects and build vocational skills as they help with the following events:

June 22
End of School Bash Party

The end-of-school party is planned and initiated by young people. It includes many opportunities for teens from different backgrounds and skills to participate in planning one of the teen center’s the biggest events of the year.

The following are several areas that young people can be involved in this program:

  • Graphic design/marketing – designing  posters, public relations and Facebook.
  • Basketball – Help coordinate games between young people and the Redmond police and fire departments.
  • Activities – Help plan activities for guests
  • Help get together food and design decorations.• Sponsors and donations.

July 14
Redmond Skate Competition at Derby Days

Every year at the City of Redmond’s Derby Days event there is a skate competition planned by skaters in Redmond. Teens can help get prizes and skaters together for the Skate Jam event.Volunteers will be involved in all of the planning and execution of this event including sponsors, donations, jam format, judging, hosting and guest relations.

Summer BBQ Chefs

An opportunity for teens to share their culinary skills with their peers. Every Saturday the teen center has a different host chef featuring their special grilling skills and recipes. Volunteers will also get to work under guest chefs.

For more information and to interview for any of these opportunities, contact Chris Cullen at