Redmond students, teachers receive Lake Washington PTSA scholarships

At the Lake Washington School District's (LWSD) annual PTSA Council Scholarship reception on June 2, the Lake Washington PTSA (LWPTSA) Council recognized three Redmond High School (RHS) students and two staff members at Redmond schools with awards.

At the Lake Washington School District’s (LWSD) annual PTSA Council Scholarship reception on June 2, the Lake Washington PTSA (LWPTSA) Council recognized three Redmond High School (RHS) students and two staff members at Redmond schools with awards.

RHS student Meghana Noonavath received the RHS Award and Athena Gordon and Kaitlin Harrison both received the LWPTSA Council Award At-Large.

Staci Allen a teacher at Juanita High School and Emily Dickinson and Elizabeth Blackwell elementary schools and Emily Moulton from Albert Einstein Elementary School both received staff scholarships.

The LWPTSA Council began its scholarship program more than 30 years ago to assist graduating seniors with their college education. In 1990, scholarships were added for district staff to help defray the costs of continuing education.

Funding for these scholarships is provided by the 41 PTA units in LWSD and members of the community. Each PTA makes an annual donation to the scholarship fund and also contributes a themed basket for the council’s Basket Auction, which is held the first Thursday in December. All proceeds from the auction go directly to fund the scholarships. Student recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership and community service. Teachers are selected on the basis of dedication to students, educational goals and service to the community.