Redmond Senior Center to hold classes to reduce falls among older adults

The Redmond Senior Center (RSC) at 8703 160th Ave. N.E. is offering a series of free classes to reduce falls among older adults.

The Redmond Senior Center (RSC) at 8703 160th Ave. N.E. is offering a series of free classes to reduce falls among older adults.

The classes are for those ages 50 or better and begin Oct. 3 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and will run on Mondays and Wednesdays until Nov. 9.

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalization for older adults in Washington and nationwide, about 10,000 older adults die from falls each year.

The Redmond Fire Department (RFD), RSC and Evergreen Hospital Medical Center have teamed together to sponsor the classes. Preregistration is necessary (one week prior to start) and the classes are not for everyone. A doctor must be consulted to ensure the participant is healthy enough for activity; the participant must be able to walk 150 feet with or without a cane or walker and must walk without the assistance of others.

“Falls occur at every age, but the greater severity of injuries for older people and the longer recovery periods make fall injuries a serious threat to the health and quality of life for older people,” said Debbie Newman of RFD. “This series of classes helps increase strength and balance, two important factors to reduce the chance of a fall.”

The SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life) program is designed to reduce the risk of falls through exercise. Conducted by a licensed physical therapist, the program includes an initial assessment, biweekly group exercise class for six weeks and a final assessment.

The class cannot accommodate those in wheelchairs or who need assistance from others to walk safely. For additional information or to register for the class, call (425) 556-2314 or e-mail