Redmond Rousers Rotary club will fold after 22 years on Dec. 31

The Redmond Rousers Rotary club will fold after 22 years of operation on Dec. 31 due to low attendance, according to Kelly Kyle, past president 2010-2012, on the club's website.

The Redmond Rousers Rotary club will fold after 22 years of operation on Dec. 31 due to low attendance, according to Kelly Kyle, past president 2010-2012, on the club’s website.

“The club had tried very hard to keep the club operational and thriving for many years. We even lowered the amount of the dues to only $400 a year….from over $1,200 previously. The economy has taken a toll on people’s spending budgets and time awareness towards ‘volunteer projects,’ too,” Kyle said.

One of Kyle’s favorite Rousers projects is when they spent $3,600 to connect a “slum house” in the outskirts of Lima, Peru, to running water and a sewer for 40 people.

“The kids and people of that project were so thankful and we were never prouder….of any project,” Kyle said.

The Rousers also started the 425 Coup de Cascades Bike race to donate to polio eradication.