Redmond Pool repairs ‘making some good progress’

The City of Redmond is "making some good progress" on the repair project at the Redmond Pool at Hartman Park and hopes to reopen the pool sometime next month, according to Mark Hickok, Redmond's Recreation Division assistant manager and pool repair project supervisor.

The City of Redmond is “making some good progress” on the repair project at the Redmond Pool at Hartman Park and hopes to reopen the pool sometime next month, according to Mark Hickok, Redmond’s Recreation Division assistant manager and pool repair project supervisor.

Hickok said the $75,000 repair project is “on budget” and the city is currently working on selecting a new pool operator. The city has received three bids for a new pool operator, Hickok said.

Northwest Center operated the pool since 2003, but lease renewal talks ended when the city found several problems with the pool, including a torn filtration system and outdated drain system.

The city is working to replace the torn filtration system and just last week, a new side sewer line connecting the pool to the main sewer line was installed, eliminating the use of sub-pumps, Hickok said.

Originally, Hickok said the city was going to replace the deteriorating sub-pumps, but instead the city installed the new side sewer line that will transfer water by gravity rather than sub-pumps.

The city’s drain repair project got approval from the King County Health Department on Monday, which was “a big hurdle” in the project, Hickok said. The drain work will include using a jackhammer to move the pool drains down deeper and closer together in order to meet new federal regulations.

In addition, the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) is currently in negotiation with several pools to find a place for the Redmond and Eastlake High School swim and dive teams to practice and compete, according to Kathryn Reith, LWSD communications director. Both schools use the Redmond Pool. Practice for the boys’ teams starts on Monday and Reith said the district expects to have a final answer today on where the teams will swim.

The city, which temporarily closed the pool June 18, will continue to provide regular updates on its Web site at and additional information can be obtained through a hotline at (425) 556-2375.