Redmond police report slight increase in vehicle prowls and burglaries since October

From Oct. 1 to Dec. 12, there were 88 reported vehicle prowls in the City of Redmond.

From Oct. 1 to Dec. 12, there were 88 reported vehicle prowls in the City of Redmond.

In an email Jim Bove, spokesperson for the Redmond Police Department (RPD), said there have been two main locations where the prowls have occurred: The Cleveland Street/Leary Way area downtown, which saw 18 prowls, and Northeast 24th/148th Avenue Northeast, which saw 15 prowls.

The general time frame for these prowls is Monday, Tuesday or Friday between 7 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. and they tend to occur near businesses where customers will be gone for an extended period of time, Bove said.

“Most are ‘smash and grabs’ (smash window, grab what you can) and they are targeting the usual—laptops, small electronics, etc., likely from people who have come from work,” Bove said.

In the last 12 months Redmond has averaged 33 car prowls per month, which Bove said is low, adding that the city is actually 35 percent down compared to last year at this time.

In addition, the City of Redmond received 32 reports of burglaries from Oct. 1 through Dec. 10 — 11 in October, 13 in November and eight through Dec. 10.

“Unlike the vehicle prowls, these have occurred throughout the city with no real rhyme or reason as to location, however, all are during the day,” Bove said. “We have been averaging about eight per month over the last year, so not a huge increase but an increase nonetheless.”

Stolen items range from the usual computers, electronics, passports, cash, jewelry and other items that are easy to sell. Bove said entry points are usually through door kick-ins, window smashes to rear sliding glass doors and windows and window breaks next to front doors to access door locks.

Bove said in a few of the incidents, victims were home and heard someone knocking and ringing the doorbell multiple times but thought ignoring it would make them go away. Once the suspects heard people inside, he said, they take off running.

Bove advises residents to make contact if someone comes to their door. They don’t have to open the door, he said. Residents can just talk through the door and tell the individual they are not interested.

“Let them know someone is home,” Bove said. “They aren’t usually looking for a confrontation like you see on TV.”

Most burglary victims were gone for the day or gone for a long weekend so Bove also advised that people utilize their neighbors to be on the lookout for suspicious activities and to call 911 immediately if they see anything.

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