Redmond police invites residents to participate in National Night Out Against Crime

The Redmond Police Department is inviting residents and businesses to participate in the 28th Annual National Night Out Against Crime on Aug. 2.

The Redmond Police Department is inviting residents and businesses to participate in the 28th Annual National Night Out Against Crime on Aug. 2.

National Night Out is a crime prevention effort in which residents play host to neighborhood parties, cookouts and other events to show the community’s stand against crime.

On the evening of Aug. 2, Redmond public safety officials, city politicians and community volunteers will attend as many parties as they can between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m.

Interested residents who want to organize a National Night Out party should submit the following information to by July 26.

• Contact person, address, email and phone number

• Exact location of the event (specific address, etc.)

• Start Time

• End Time

• Event type (pot luck dinner, ice cream social, etc.)

There were a a record 41 different parties throughout the city last year, with more than 2,000 people who participated in the event.

For more information on Redmond’s National Night Out, click here.