For the second straight day, the Redmond Police Department is encouraging residents to stay off the snowy and icy roads.
“Roads are very slick today with sleet covering them,” police spokesman Jim Bove said in an e-mail. “Just because it’s not snowing doesn’t mean it’s safe to drive. Enjoy the winter weather if you can from home and stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary.”
Bove also sent out an e-mail saying that today’s blood drive mobile at City Hall has left due to the harsh road conditions.
The city has several resources for weather-related information:
- Twitter feed with updated road conditions. The tag is #RedmondAlert;
- Winter Weather Info webpage;
- Webpage with information on snow and ice removal, including a map of the city’s snow removal routes;
- Live traffic cameras showing road conditions around the city; and
- Live updates via radio — AM 1650 — and RCTV — Comcast 21/Frontier 34.
For a complete update of closed city facilities, along with an update on garbage and recycling pickup click here.