Redmond hit with a string of car prowls: Remember to remove all valuables and lock your doors

Redmond was stung with a string of recent vehicle prowls that were reported in the Education Hill, Grasslawn and downtown neighborhoods.

Redmond was stung with a string of recent vehicle prowls that were reported in the Education Hill, Grasslawn and downtown neighborhoods.

There were 17 reported incidents between last Thursday morning and Sunday afternoon, according to Redmond police spokesman Jim Bove.

Nine of the break-in reports came from the Education Hill area. Five incidents came from the Grasslawn area and three more were reported from the downtown area. Out of the 17 reports, 12 of the incidents featured unlocked vehicles or showed no signs of entry, which indicates an unlocked door, according to Bove.

Bove said it is likely the car prowls in the Education Hill area are connected to the same suspect or suspects and the same could be true for the Grasslawn break-ins.

The stolen items included purses, laptops, sunglasses, an Xbox video game system and a camera, according to Bove.Police have not apprehended anyone, but some of the stolen items have been recovered.

Early Sunday morning, a witness spotted one of the car prowl suspects on Education Hill and called police, who searched the area, but could not find the suspect, Bove said.

Bove said the best defense against vehicle break-in is to “remove all items and lock your doors.”