Free screening of nutrition documentary

Free screening of nutrition documentary

Bastyr University, Whole Foods Market of Redmond and Washington State University King County Extension Farm-to-School Connections have partnered to host a free screening of the documentary “Two Angry Moms” at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 1 in the Bastyr University Auditorium.

The film addresses nutrition related issues surrounding the food served in school cafeterias across the county and offers strategies for overcoming roadblocks to replacing unhealthy school lunch menus with nutritious meal options.

A conversation about how to bring nutritious meals and fresh local food into school cafeterias will follow the screening.

Bastyr University is located at 14500 Juanita Drive in Kenmore. For information about this event, call (425) 602-3107.

Garage sale to benefit breast cancer walk

A huge garage sale benefiting the Redmond Ridge Pink Pumas 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk will take place Saturday, May 3 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday, May 4 from noon-4 p.m. at Rosa Parks Elementary School, 22845 NE Cedar Park Crescent.

For information, contact Deborah LaHaela Fendel at (206) 370-2400 or e-mail