Redmond full-service marketing firm Allytics Inc. will have nearly its entire workforce participate in the United Way Day of Caring on Sept. 23.
Allytics will help rehabilitate the grounds and facilities at Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE), a horse-rescue operation in nearby Woodinville. Coordinated and sponsored by the United Way of King County, more than 50 Allytics employees will join thousands of volunteers from throughout King County to celebrate the Day of Caring. Altogether, some 12,000 volunteers will take on more than 500 service projects across the county on that day, according to United Way.
“We are excited to be a part of such an amazing outreach, and look forward to this opportunity to serve our community, leave a lasting impact, and make a difference,” said Neil Sturgeon, chief executive officer of Allytics. “Our employees were very eager to sign up for the Day of Caring and help such a great cause as SAFE. We’re pleased to have so many participating.”
The Allytics employees plan to construct a bio-retention pond, begin work on a new rain garden and build a mud-management system to help maintain the soil and keep the track healthier for rescued horses. They also will build fences, dig out tree stumps, move large rocks and do other assorted facility improvements.
In 2015, the Day of Caring, the largest mobilization of volunteers in King County, benefited 270 agencies, with the volunteer labor from businesses and organizations valued at $1.6 million.