Parents of fifth- and sixth-grade students and eighth- and ninth-grade students in the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) have the opportunity in January to think about and plan their child’s educational future.
In addition to neighborhood schools, students in these grade levels can also review their choice school options or request to attend another school within the district.
“Planning Ahead” booklets were sent out to parents of fifth- and sixth-grade students and eighth- and ninth-grade students in early December. These booklets highlight the choice school and neighborhood school options in LWSD. Both booklets are available on the district website.
While all students in LWSD are guaranteed attendance at their neighborhood school, families may also consider applying to one of the district’s choice schools or may consider applying for a change to their neighborhood school assignment, also known as an in-district transfer or variance.
Choice schools are open to all students in the district and offer rigorous academic programs and unique opportunities for student learning. Students must apply to be considered for enrollment in the school. Each choice school has its own application and enrollment process. These schools are small by design so there are enrollment limits. A lottery and wait list system is used to place students when applications exceed spaces available.
The basic choice school timeline for 2012-2013 is as follows:
• Attend parent information meetings in January (visit for schedule)
• Jan. 27 – Applications due
• Feb. 3 – Choice school lottery
• Feb. 15 – Notification letters sent
• Feb. 27 – Acceptance due