LWSD forms committee to develop temporary boundary for Rosa Parks and Wilder elementary schools

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce has formed a committee to develop criteria for the temporary boundary for Rosa Parks and Laura Ingalls Wilder elementary schools.

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce has formed a committee to develop criteria for the temporary boundary for Rosa Parks and Laura Ingalls Wilder elementary schools.

This has been in response to the overcrowding issue at Rosa Parks, which has 795 students enrolled this year. Wilder’s enrollment is 347 this year with district officials projecting an enrollment of 238 by the 2015-16 school year.

In an email to Rosa Parks parents, Pierce said they have “determined that the schools involved in the temporary boundary will be Rosa Parks and Wilder elementary schools. No other schools will be involved in this temporary process.”

Pierce wrote that she has also informed Wilder parents about the temporary boundary.

The boundary committee will be made up of Rosa Parks and Wilder principals Tina Livingston and Steve Roetcisoender, LWSD’s Redmond Learning Community school support director Jon Holmen and district staff members Barbara Posthumus (business services), Jeff Miles (transportation) and Kathryn Reith (communications). Bob Collard will lead the committee. Collard is an outside consultant, formerly assistant superintendent both for Lake Washington and for Everett school districts.

The temporary boundary committee’s first meeting will be Oct. 25 and parents will able to provide feedback online beginning early November.

“At the end of November, we will hold a public meeting to introduce possible boundary scenarios,” Pierce said in her email. “At that meeting and through the website, the committee will gather parent feedback on the scenarios.”

She went on to say the committee will make a recommendation to her in early January and Pierce will take her recommendation to the board that month. The goal is to have this process completed prior to kindergarten registration in February. Pierce said the committee will communicate a more complete schedule to parents after its first meeting.

She added that because of the tight timeline to complete the work before the February kindergarten registration process begins, parents will receive communications on a regular basis between now and the end of this calendar year.