Lake Washington School District unites against bullying

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) joined in the national celebration of Unity Day on Oct. 10 to support the cause of bullying prevention. Part of PACER's National Bullying Prevention Month, students and staff at many schools wore orange to express their unity against bullying.

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) joined in the national celebration of Unity Day on Oct. 10 to support the cause of bullying prevention. Part of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Month, students and staff at many schools wore orange to express their unity against bullying.

Bus drivers in the district wore Unite Against Bullying T-shirts that were specially printed with “No bullying on my bus” on the back. During a training session last week, drivers worked together to come up with ways they can help ensure their buses are safe places for students.

“While all of our schools have bullying prevention and intervention programs,” noted Dr. Traci Pierce, superintendent, “it helps to take a specific day to reinforce the message that bullying is not acceptable in our schools. It may tell a student or a parent that it’s OK to report problems with bullying, harassment or intimidation. And it may remind bystanders that they can play a positive role by standing up for others or by reporting what they see.”