Lake Washington School District jumps from sixth to third largest district in state in two years

Lake Washington School District’s enrollment grew by 1,178 students last year, from 27,830 students in 2015 to 29,008 on Oct. 1. This enrollment increase moved Lake Washington from fourth largest district in Washington state to third largest, passing the Tacoma School District, enrollment 28,111. Lake Washington trails only Seattle and Spokane School Districts in size. The district was sixth largest in the state in 2014.

“As our cities grow, so does our enrollment,” noted Dr. Traci Pierce, superintendent. “We are fortunate to serve vibrant, attractive communities where people want to live and work. With this growth comes the need to provide classroom space to so many additional students. We appreciate the community-developed long-term plan to continue to build schools in the district.”

From 2010-2015, the district has grown by an average of 625 students each year, or the size of a large elementary school. This year’s increase of 1,178 was about 450 over projections.

Part of that increase may be the result of state funding that allowed the district to offer all-day kindergarten for all students. Fewer parents may have chosen to send their student to all-day kindergarten in a private school or program than in the past. That would account for a one-time increase in kindergarten numbers. Until this year, the district provided state-funded half-day kindergarten for all families. All-day kindergarten was offered for a fee for the second half of the day on a space available basis. Some families opted to send their students to a private school or program for kindergarten and then enrolled in public schools for first grade. The district typically has gained 10 percent or more in student enrollment from kindergarten to first grade.

Enrollment growth is forecasted to continue. These forecasts take into account the number of births in our area, current enrollment patterns and planned home development within district borders.

LWSD enrollment growth has occurred at a rate of 4.2 percent per year for each of the last two years. That growth is faster than nearby Eastside school districts. For example, enrollment grew by 1.8 percent in Bellevue School District and 1.6 percent in Northshore School District between October 2015 and October 2016. Issaquah School District grew by 2.7 percent.

A community task force developed recommendations for long-term facilities planning in Lake Washington School District. The district’s Board of Directors adopted those recommendations in December 2015. The district is in the process of putting those recommendations into effect. A bond measure passed in April 2016 is funding three new schools and three older schools that will be rebuilt and enlarged. Future planned bonds in 2018, 2022 and 2026 will continue to address the need for more classrooms. As recommended by the task force, the district is working with a professional demographer to fine-tune its enrollment projections.