Gov. Inslee checks in with Redmond’s Helion Energy

Gov. Jay Inslee (right) visited Helion Energy’s headquarters in Redmond on Tuesday as part of his tour highlighting the solutions to climate change in the Seattle area. Gov. Inslee has supported Cleantech businesses in Washington in both his tenures as representative and governor. Here, Helion CEO David Kirtley describes the operation of their prototype, which generates fusion reactions by compressing and heating a deuterium gas to fusion temperatures and pressures.

Gov. Jay Inslee (right) visited Helion Energy’s headquarters in Redmond on Tuesday as part of his tour highlighting the solutions to climate change in the Seattle area. Gov. Inslee has supported Cleantech businesses in Washington in both his tenures as representative and governor. Here, Helion CEO David Kirtley describes the operation of their prototype, which generates fusion reactions by compressing and heating a deuterium gas to fusion temperatures and pressures.