Final city budget hearing set for Tuesday

The City of Redmond will host the third and final public hearing on the 2015-16 biennial budget at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday at Redmond City Hall, 15670 N.E. 85th St., during the regular City Council meeting.

The City of Redmond will host the third and final public hearing on the 2015-16 biennial budget at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday at Redmond City Hall, 15670 N.E. 85th St., during the regular City Council meeting.

The goal of the public hearing is to collect community input about city issues, priorities and fiscal matters before the final budget is adopted. The public hearing is the third and final public hearing, however public comments will be accepted up until the budget is adopted by the City Council on Dec. 2.

The public is invited to attend the remaining budget study sessions but with a reminder this forum is informational based only and that public comments will not be received at that time. Budget comments can be mailed to or be given during items from the audience at any regularly scheduled council meeting.

The study session topics and dates are:

Nov. 20 – Overall budget discussion
Nov. 25 – Wrap-up budget discussion

The city is using its Budgeting by Priorities for the fourth time in its 2015-16 budget. By using lessons learned from each of the three previous efforts, the city strives to continue providing the highest priority services to the community. The 2015-16 Preliminary Budget is available online at