Don’t be in the dark about fire safety during a storm


Power outages are a real possibility with forecasters issuing warnings for winter storms, high winds, and floods in various parts of Washington.

The risk of a fire in the home is greatly increased when the power is out.

“Dangerous methods of heating, lighting, and cooking can cause serious injury and even death,” said State Fire Marshal Mike Matlick. “Be prepared and work to eliminate fire hazards before the storm arrives so that you and your loved ones will be safe,” he adds.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office offers the following tips to help your family prepare for the stormy weather and prevent a fire:

• Ensure all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors have working batteries.

• Do not use charcoal grills, camp stoves, or other gasoline or charcoal-burning devices inside your home, including the basement or garage.

• When using alternative heating sources, i.e., fireplaces or space heaters, ensure all things that can burn, such as paper, bedding or furniture are at least 3 feet away.

• Familiarize everyone with the home escape plan and know two ways out of every room. In the event of a fire, everyone should leave the home immediately.

• Have an emergency supply kit with enough supplies for three days. Stock it with foods that do not require cooking, water and essential medications. Include flashlights, a radio and an ample supply of batteries.

For more information on fire safety and emergency preparedness, visit the State Fire Marshal’s Office Web site at or the Washington Emergency Management Web site at