The City of Redmond’s Code Rewrite Commission (CRC) is expected to make draft recommendations in December on the first two topics of the Redmond Code Rewrite: Miscellaneous Uses and Development Standards 1. The Commission has successfully completed a thorough review of these packages on time with the project’s aggressive schedule.
Miscellaneous Uses contains sections on adult entertainment, temporary uses and non-conforming uses and was introduced to the CRC on Nov. 2, 2009.
The CRC opened a public hearing on this topic on Nov. 9 and continued the public comment opportunity through Dec. 7. Development Standards 1 contains sections on fences, exterior lighting, transportation standards, and utility standards and was also introduced to the CRC on Nov. 2, 2009.
The CRC opened a public hearing on this topic on Nov. 16 and continued the public comment opportunity through Dec. 14. See the CRC Topics Under Review page for drafts of these packages (
In January, the CRC will begin considering the next two topics of the Redmond Code Rewrite: Procedures and Commercial, Industrial and Design District zones.
Both of these topics are anticipated to be introduced to the CRC at the Jan. 4, 2010 meeting.
The CRC meets on Monday nights at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Redmond City Hall. The members are: Robert Fitzmaurice (Redmond resident), Nancy McCormick (Redmond resident – will begin service in January 2010), Vice Chair Sue Stewart (Redmond resident), Chair Steve Nolen (business representative), and Robert Pantley (business representative). Two members of the Planning Commission will also serve on the CRC on a rotating basis; the first two Planning Commissioners to serve on the CRC are Vibhas Chandorkar and Robert O’Hara.
For more information, visit, contact the staff listed above, or send email to