City of Redmond to hold open houses for potential levy

The City of Redmond will host two community open-house gatherings on Feb. 3 and 10 regarding a proposed levy, and the public is invited to attend. The open houses will take place from 6-7:15 p.m. each evening in the Redmond City Hall lobby.

The City of Redmond will host two community open-house gatherings on Feb. 3 and 10 regarding a proposed levy, and the public is invited to attend. The open houses will take place from 6-7:15 p.m. each evening in the Redmond City Hall lobby.

Public feedback on additional resources needed for public safety, city infrastructure and a greener Redmond will be the focus of each gathering. The feedback gained will be used to develop priorities for a potential levy that may take place later this year. Open-house attendees will be asked to rate various priorities while calculating implications to their individual annual property taxes. Ratings results will form recommendations that will be presented to City Council at the Feb. 17 meeting.