City of Redmond public hearing for Group Health Overlake Master Plan slated for Oct. 18

The Redmond City Council will hold a public hearing on the Group Health Overlake Master Plan and Development Agreement during its Oct. 18 regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Redmond City Hall, 15670 N.E. 85th St.

The Redmond City Council will hold a public hearing on the Group Health Overlake Master Plan and Development Agreement during its Oct. 18 regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Redmond City Hall, 15670 N.E. 85th St.

The Group Health Overlake Master Plan is a long-term plan for the coordinated redevelopment of Group Health’s 28-acre former hospital site located at 2464 152nd Ave. N.E. in Overlake Village.

All interested persons are invited to comment or provide written testimony. Additionally, written comments may be submitted prior to the hearing no later than 5 p.m. Oct. 18. Written comments may be sent to project planner Dennis Lisk via fax at (425) 556-2400, via e-mail at or in person at the Development Services Center located at City Hall.

The master plan is available to download from the city’s website.

Copies of the application and all documents filed by the applicant are also available for viewing in the Development Services Center. Additional copies may be provided at the requestor’s cost. Following the hearing, a copy of the City Council’s decision will be sent to parties of record and can be obtained by contacting the Development Services Center at (425) 556-2473.

For more information contact project planner Dennis Lisk at (425) 556-2471 or via e-mail at