Jim Bove will be working his final day tomorrow as public information officer for the Redmond Police Department and Redmond Fire Department. He’s been on the job since November of 2007 after working in college administration for 11 years. He was the first non-officer to have this position.
His next step will be laying the groundwork on a nonprofit that he’s starting to support mental health issues. He’s been researching this nonprofit for the last three to four years.
“It has truly been an honor to serve this community and work alongside so many wonderful people in Redmond, our surrounding agencies, throughout the community and the media,” Bove said. “Redmond has been, and always will be, a special place and I wish you all nothing but the best moving forward. I hope our paths cross again in the future.”
In the interim, officers Mike Dowd and Julie Beard and Lt. Charlie Gorman will take over Bove’s spot.