Thor Andrews Jr. of Redmond pleaded guilty on Monday to three counts of second-degree identity theft, two counts of second-degree vehicle prowl, one count of second-degree burglary and one count of possession of stolen mail in King County Superior Court in Seattle.
According to court documents, the prosecuting attorneys’ recommendation states that the 18-year-old Education Hill resident won’t have to serve about three and a half years in prison for the crimes he committed if he completes a Residential Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative Program (DOSA). Andrews needs to complete the program successfully to stay out of prison.
Court documents state that Andrews admitted to “committing crimes at an alarming rate due to a severe addiction to heroin and opiates.”
Andrews’ sentencing case is scheduled for 1:45 p.m. on May 9 before judge Helen Halpert in the Seattle courthouse.
On Jan. 9, Andrews pleaded not guilty in court to the crimes he now admits to committing.
He was arrested on Dec. 28, 2013 for stealing an iPhone and wallet from a vendor’s truck in downtown Redmond. The Redmond Police Department’s Pro-Act Unit — which investigates auto theft and related crimes such as vehicle prowls, possession of stolen property and identity theft — had been monitoring Andrews for several months in 2013 for vehicle prowls in the area and tied him to about 50 vehicle-prowl cases and 100 mail-theft cases in Redmond.