All through last week, known formally as Friendship Week, students at Rosa Parks Elementary had a simple goal: raise as much money as possible for The Guatemala Friendship School, which currently serves 75 students free of charge in the Guatemalan village of Momostenango.
Saturday, May 24
Imagine a school without a music class, or even a paintbrush. Students of these schools, all across the nation and the world, have no experience with something as simple as a school play.
Air travel is expensive and headache-provoking, thanks to overcrowded planes, heightened security measures, and frequent delays or cancellations of flights.
The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) movement and environmental consciousness are resurrecting interest in “home arts” that were revered by our grandmas and great-grandmas.
SecondStory Repertory, the professional theater ensemble at Redmond Town Center, announces its 10th season of plays, running July 2008 through June 2009. Under the new artistic management of technical director Nicholas Lazarro and artistic director Susanna Wilson, the season will open July 25 with “Greater Tuna” (through Aug. 23, 08) starring SecondStory regulars Robert Bogue, Sean Mitchell and Hayden Heibert, the trio who brought us the entire “Complete Works” series.
Can there possibly be a downside to the time of year when it’s sunny and warm more often than not? Yes, if you throw away common sense.
Like many Redmond residents, John Cartmell wears multiple hats.
It’s all over but the shouting.
EF Educational Homestay Program is looking for volunteer host families for French and Spanish teens for one month this summer. Students will arrive on July 9 and depart on August 6.
Former 2008 presidential primary contender Mike Huckabee will headline at “Rockers, Suits, the Kids Jam,” a Music Aid Northwest benefit concert in support of music programs in the schools.
The full 2008 season of Concerts at Marymoor Park has been announced. Some tickets have already been available through Ticketmaster and others go on sale at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 10. Call (206) 628-0888 or visit Ticket limits may apply.
Pat Birney, left, and Jeff Fairbanks
With the release of the big screen version of “Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” only a few weeks away, fans might want to consider getting in a “warm-up” by going to see an original production at Overlake Christian Church in Redmond.
Borders at Redmond Town Center, 16549 NE 74th St., invites the community to a book signing with Sarah O’Leary Burningham, author of “How to Raise Your Parents: A Teen Girl’s Survival Guide,” at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 4. The witty book tells teen girls how to help their parents through “the difficult years.” Readers will learn how to negotiate like a pro, steer clear of parents’ hot buttons and gain a little insight into what the world looks like from their point of view. For more information about this free event, call (425) 883-0272.
Redmond Mayor John Marchione and Bellevue Mayor Grant Degginger discussed their cities’ overlapping problems and priorities at the April 16 lunch meeting of the Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce.
The “2008 Chateau Ste. Michelle Summer Concert Series” in Woodinville will offer 21 concerts spanning the range of pop, jazz, rock and blues, from June 6 through Aug. 29.
Lake Washington High School Drama presents “Little Shop of Horrors,” May 7-10 at 7 p.m. and in a matinee performance on May 10 at 2 p.m.