Bear Creek students perform and place at ACSI High School Choral Festival

On March 15 and 16, several choral groups from The Bear Creek School (TBCS) performed at the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) High School Choral Festival at Overlake Christian Church.

On March 15 and 16, several choral groups from The Bear Creek School (TBCS) performed at the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) High School Choral Festival at Overlake Christian Church.

Each group performed for adjudication and was rated on an I-V scale (I being “Superior”). Winners in each category gave command performances at the conclusion of the festival on Friday evening.

Bear Creek had 10 groups perform (ranging in size from soloists to the entire choir) and every performance earned a “Superior” rating.

The girls quintet, comprised of Marie Dippenaar, Shannon Abbott, Miya Higashiyama, Katrina Laundrup and Karin Diamond received first place for their performance of “Prayer for the Gifts.”

The senior girls ensemble with Kendall Engelstone, Bethan Meyer, Megan Jenson, Marie Dippenaar and Shannon Abbott received and honorable mention for their performance of “Ave Maria.”

The mixed ensemble with Marie Dippenaar, Nick Van Baak, Jaco Dippenaar, Alex Levasseur, Sterling Miller, Shannon Abbott, Katrina Laundrup and  Karin Diamond received an honorable mention for their performance of “Seal Lullaby.”