Voting ‘Yes’ for school bond, levies is the smart move


I’m going to vote YES for the Lake Washington School District levies and bond this election because it’s the smart thing to do.

Schools are a great investment for our neighborhoods. We know that!

But, let’s not lose sight that local businesses count on our schools for a vibrant, educated labor pool. “Being future ready” is more than about leaving town for college. Many students find their future right here, working for local businesses after graduation.

I have personal and financial reasons for supporting the levy and bond measures:

• My daughter received a first-class education (K-12) that prepared her for college. Her life was enriched by a long list of inspiring teachers, outside school activities, and friendships. I’ve always felt my kid was safe at school.

• Even though my only child is graduating this year, I still look at the additional $170 per year tax tab as a good investment. Why? If we don’t fund all three measures, the school system will lose the equivalent of 612 teachers, 30-year roofs and buildings will deteriorate and classrooms will overflow from the 1,200 new students expected by 2014. We can expect no bailout from the state – actually less from them!

• If we let our schools go down the tube, so go the neighborhoods and our home values. I see the $170 per year payment as “property value insurance protection.” Without it, my home and largest asset may never fully bounce off this bottom.

Will you be voting Tuesday, Feb. 9? Please Vote YES on all three LWSD funding measures!

Bob Yoder, Redmond