Villeneuve missed the boat in his support of Obama | Letter to the Editor

Mr. Villeneuve sure missed it on this one (“What has President Obama done for us, anyway?” May 11 edition). Notice that none of his 10 Obama accomplishment examples pertain to having a detailed plan for cutting spending and having a much better jobs-creation plan - which together, are the top domestic priorities facing us today.

Mr. Villeneuve sure missed it on this one (“What has President Obama done for us, anyway?” May 11 edition).

Notice that none of his 10 Obama accomplishment examples pertain to having a detailed plan for cutting spending and having a much better jobs-creation plan – which together, are the top domestic priorities facing us today.

Mr. Villeneuve attempts to give Obama a pass by blaming President Bush for the continued rotten economy today. Yes, Obama was handed a bad economy, but his economic policies have only made the fiscal crisis much worse.

The fiscal year 2012 Obama administration budget was voted down by the Senate 97-0, and their fiscal year 2013 budget was voted down 414-0 in the House.

Why so bad you ask? Well both of their budgets reflected no awareness of the imminent danger we are in, as the spending in both budgets far outweighed the revenues (each by a trillion-plus dollars). I voted for Ross Perot in 1992, who was at the time the most aware of the growing debt path we were on; now, the situation is much worse.

The Heritage Foundation has put together an excellent compilation of data to really show the status of our current federal fiscal situation online: The trend in the data shows a path to financial Armageddon and is nothing to be proud of, or gloss over, as it is a product of both political parties having problems with good prioritization over the years.

Thankfully, there is a growing trend across the country to elect politicians who are firm on cutting spending and having a lasting balanced budget mindset that exemplifies good common sense.

If I remember right, I was adding and subtracting numbers out to a trillion and beyond before I had finished elementary school. Part of each person’s early years of learning common sense and right from wrong was to not answer the math question of one plus one with anything other than two and to also know that any teacher would not be selectively allowing an answer other than two – from anyone else in the class.

Allow your elementary math skills to lead us all too economic prosperity. If you vote without caring or being aware, then get familiar with life in the country of Greece today, as that is the mess of an environment that you would consciously want to have. That would be a progressive step towards tyranny.

Karl Hanke, Redmond