Traffic cameras help save lives, improve safety

We don't see how there could be any question about photo enforcement. As far as we see it, the safety cameras do nothing but make our roads safer for people inside and outside of the vehicle.

We would like to respond to “What’s the point of red light cameras? Money not safety” letter to the editor in the May 27 edition of the Redmond Reporter.

We don’t see how there could be any question about photo enforcement. As far as we see it, the safety cameras do nothing but make our roads safer for people inside and outside of the vehicle.

This technology is a safety tool and an asset to any community.Every year, speeding-related crashes are the cause of 13,000 deaths in the United States. Similarly, red light running leads to 165,000 injuries and over 700 fatalities every year.

In 2002, we learned first-hand the devastating effects of neglecting traffic safety laws when a man neglected a red light and killed our daughter, Sarah. Our loss has reminded us that no one is immune from the consequences of one careless driving decision.

Safety cameras make people think twice before they drive in an irresponsible and dangerous manner and that’s a great thing.

We have joined forces with law enforcement and safety advocates across the country to support safety initiatives that will make our roads safer. We cannot wait for more fatal crashes to pile up before we start to crack down on people who put others in danger.

These cameras increase safety and we welcome them in our community and everywhere else that they would make a difference.Paul and Sue Oberhauser, Co-chairs, Traffic Safety Coalition