Sen. Hill doesn’t deserve re-election | Letter

I am writing because I do not think Andy Hill deserves another term in the state Senate. Mr. Hill likes to talk about the $960 million the state Legislature allocated to education last year. That sounds like a lot until you realize that our state’s Supreme Court has said that to fully fund education we will need an additional $5 billion. Mr. Hill’s budget fell far short of what our kids need.

I am writing because I do not think Andy Hill deserves another term in the state Senate. Mr. Hill likes to talk about the $960 million the state Legislature allocated to education last year. That sounds like a lot until you realize that our state’s Supreme Court has said that to fully fund education we will need an additional $5 billion. Mr. Hill’s budget fell far short of what our kids need.

The voters in our state have repeatedly approved reductions in class size. Mr. Hill failed to fund those reductions — despite his campaign promises to never go against the will of the people. Meanwhile, our children’s classes become ever more crowded. As a mom with three school-age children and as one of the senator’s constituents, I believe he has not lived up to his responsibilities.

It is because of Mr. Hill’s failure to lead on education and so many other issues that I am supporting Matt Isenhower for state Senate. Isenhower is a graduate of the Lake Washington public schools, and his two kids will attend those schools soon. Making sure our schools have the funding they need is deeply personal to him. I believe Isenhower has the commitment and the skills to lead our state in the right direction.

Elizabeth Canning, Redmond