Media matters | Letter

In Steve Jobs’ biography, his friends and co-workers claimed at times he suffered from reality distortion. Is our U.S. State Department suffering from this fractured image of reality or is it just propaganda that is shaped in the media and the institutions that share information to the American people?

In Steve Jobs’ biography, his friends and co-workers claimed at times he suffered from reality distortion. Is our U.S. State Department suffering from this fractured image of reality or is it just propaganda that is shaped in the media and the institutions that share information to the American people?

If a person gives a different side of the story, like the four Blackwater (Academi) soldiers on Fox News, what happens to the State Department’s story? Now the Benghazi event isn’t an isolated incident and not exclusive to the current administration.

Now individuals who are shouting from the street corner giving accurate information are blindly discredited as promoting conspiracy! Individuals who are so-called whistleblowers are now represented as traitors or information is given about them that discredits them as a person. Therefore, the information should clearly be disregarded, as well.

Now, we say we have the left/right paradigm, which is basically two wings on the same dragon. So … we have Tea Party, neocons and far left, and in the past, war hawks. We now are bombarded with so much information that we are on mental overload; and with our disinformation mixed with truth, we don’t know who is right, so we disregard all information. Where does that leave us? Mental disrepair and hopelessness … perhaps, or maybe that is where we are supposed to be, because maybe what we believe as truth is an actually deliberate deception.

Karen Gonzalez, Redmond