Kimball: Now you know how it feels

“The legislature is hanging us out to dry” was a quote by Lake Washington School District Superintendent Chip Kimball in the Aug. 12 edition of the Redmond Reporter. Boo hoo, Kimball. Now you know how it feels.

“The legislature is hanging us out to dry” was a quote by Lake Washington School District Superintendent Chip Kimball in the Aug. 12 edition of the Redmond Reporter.

Boo hoo, Kimball.

Now you know how it feels.

Don’t forget that you hung us all out to dry when the only option you offered was double-shifting at Redmond and Eastlake high schools in order to get your bond passed after the school district lent a hefty hand in overcrowding our schools by allowing massive residential overbuilding.

Welcome to the clothes line.

Alison Ziganti, Redmond