Kevin Haistings for State Representative

I read a letter to the editor in the Oct. 8 edition of the Redmond Reporter advocating a vote for Roger Goodman for 45th District state representative because he looks at the big picture regarding budgets and education.

I read a letter to the editor in the Oct. 8 edition of the Redmond Reporter advocating a vote for Roger Goodman for 45th District state representative because he looks at the big picture regarding budgets and education.

However, there is a much bigger picture to consider when voting for people to represent us.

Our state was in pretty good financial condition when Roger Goodman was elected in 2006. Now, we are facing a $4.5 billion budget deficit thru 2013 and billions more in unfunded liabilities for pensions and retiree health care.

Washington State is actually in worse financial condition per-capita than California. The response by Roger Goodman and the rest of Democratic majority in Olympia was a series of band-aids including the ridiculous $800 million tax on candy and water.

Our state needs serious reform to solve these problems —new ideas, new energy and new people are needed. That is why we are endorsing Kevin Haistings for this position. Kevin is a 25-year veteran of the Seattle Police Deptment who will bring new ideas and energy to solve the states problems.

Andrew and Barbara Wold, Redmond