A formerly elected Redmond city official has chosen to ask your readers to believe his 10-year-old “facts” about why I should be denied care as I age.
Fortunately, the City of Redmond has a professional plan to deal with such planning matters. Not using the mayor and city council, rather professionals to investigate and determine the legality and the wisdom of all proposals.
I moved from Edmonds to Redmond in 2014, and bought into a life-care non-profit senior community. At 81 years old, I may need assisted living care someday. I am not quite senile yet! (My husband may disagree). At the first city council meeting of the year on Jan. 2, I spoke during the audience comment period. My request was and is: Let’s move past a few cranky neighbors and get the process restarted for permitting the long-proposed assisted living building (opens up skilled nursing also).
Emerald Heights is a good neighbor. Redmond property values have soared in the 25 years since E.H. was built. Traffic impact?? Seniors in assisted living don’t drive!
Parting thought: It does take a village to raise a child. It also takes a village to care for its elderly.
Nancy Crim