Hastings deserves your vote in the 45th District

I am writing to urge readers to vote for Kevin Haistings this November.

I am writing to urge readers to vote for Kevin Haistings this November.

Kevin is challenging Roger Goodman, who has voted in favor of the largest tax increase in the history of our state and wants to legalize marijuana “to take it out of the schools.”

We have a record budget deficit, and we need legislators who are willing to tackle this problem because the future of our state is at stake. Olympia can’t continue this unsustainable spending. Frankly, it is not fair to us taxpayers to be hearing our legislators take no responsibility and blame the deficit only on the lack of revenues like they did at the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Candidate Forum.

We need legislators who will actually represent us down in Olympia, exactly like Kevin Haistings. Kevin will bring common sense and accountability back to Olympia, and respect the “will of the voters” who send him to office. Vote Kevin Haistings, 45th District State House.

Matthew Bernard, Kirkland