Hank Myers: A prescription for great government | Letter to the Editor

I “inherited” Hank Myers (48th District, Pos. 2 candidate) as a patient at the PolyClinic when his previous physician retired. During one of our meetings, we talked about life outside the clinic and we discovered that he lives only a couple of blocks from my family church. Our church had hoped to rebuild and expand, but our project managers ran into a number of regulatory obstacles. Unless we could find a solution, our church would have to abandon this project which we had dedicated so much time and effort to and possibly leave Redmond.

I “inherited” Hank Myers (48th District, Pos. 2 candidate) as a patient at the PolyClinic when his previous physician retired. During one of our meetings, we talked about life outside the clinic and we discovered that he lives only a couple of blocks from my family church. Our church had hoped to rebuild and expand, but our project managers ran into a number of regulatory obstacles. Unless we could find a solution, our church would have to abandon this project which we had dedicated so much time and effort to and possibly leave Redmond.

Hank researched the regulations and realized that the requirements were related to the construction of mega-churches, not our medium-sized family organization. Some regulation changes would be required, so Hank put us in touch with appropriate officials in the planning department and stepped away. We have now moved into our new facility, and others have benefited from Hank’s foresight. Our immediate next-door neighbor is a mosque of the same size as our new facility. Hank is dedicated to building a diverse community. Who would have guessed that even during a routine physical exam that Hank would be thinking of ways to improve our lives and not just his. Hank listens, and Hank helps.

Elton Lee, Mercer Island