I am writing in response to Bonnie Shipman’s criticisms of John Carlson for his support of Sarah Palin’s pro-life (anti-abortion) views (“Palin a threat to our freedom” in the Oct. 1 Redmond Reporter).
When Ms. Shipman talks about a woman’s “right” to choose what she does with her own body, she conveniently neglects to mention the “rights” of the unborn, including their fundamental right to life.
Ms. Shipman, can you not see that unborn babies are living human beings?
This is a biologically true fact. What, on earth, gives anybody — mother, father or doctor — the right to decide that they can kill an innocent human being such as this?
I wonder what Ms. Shipman thinks about California’s “fetal harm law” that makes it a crime to murder “any person or fetus.”
Under this law, which also exists in multiple other states, if a person attacks a mother and, in so doing, kills the mother’s unborn child, then the assailant may be tried for the death of the unborn baby (readers may recall that prosecutors used this law to convict Scott Peterson in the killing of his unborn son, Connor).
My question to Ms. Shipman is simply this: What, ultimately, is the difference between killing a child in this way and aborting a baby?
The answer, sadly, is there is no difference. They both deprive an innocent human being of the right to life. And yet, illogically, abortion remains legal.
What a contradiction!
So, I applaud Sarah Palin, and others who share her views, for proclaiming the truth about this issue: abortion is nothing more than ‘legalized murder’ of innocent human beings.
In giving birth to a child with Down’s syndrome and not having her baby, Trig, aborted, Palin has shown, not only by her words, but also in her actions, that she truly honors life. On this issue, she has my total support.
James Woollard
Isn’t it nice to live in a country where we can express our opinion so freely?
If nothing else, this election year has helped see people for who they really are, and not necessarily who they claim to be.
To compare Sarah Palin, a loving mother, wife and respected person with an Al Qaeda terrorist, says a lot about the person making the accusations (referring to “Palin a threat to our freedom” letter to the editor in the Oct. 1 Redmond Reporter).
Parl Guthrie