Bryan Myrick’s Aug. 26 column on the need for cyclists to pay a “user-specific fee for the privilege to roll on the street” because they “need to participate more directly in financing of the roads they enjoy using” is ridiculous.
Riders already pay their fair share; I don’t know of any cyclist who is not also a car owner, and they pay their share of road maintenance via their vehicle taxes, as well as general local and state taxes. A bicycle fee is double taxation.
That said, his point that cyclists need to ensure they know traffic laws for bicycles is valid. But hopefully groups like Cascade Bicycle Club and events like the Seattle to Portland (STP), can help promote this knowledge. But assessing yet another fee is not the way to do it.
What’s next? Start charging people to use the sidewalk? And maybe if they use a skateboard or push a stroller, we should license those too? Or how about trail use? Trail maintenence costs money. Shall we start charging the hikers?
Joan Cabreza, Redmond