Derby Days needed to be promoted better

The 70th Annual Redmond Derby Days parade was longer, had more entrants, and had a crowd along the streets present for viewing. However, I was amazed by the number of people I ran into after Derby Days that said “Really, this was Derby Days weekend? I had no idea!” For weeks prior to the Ananda Mela Festival in later June there were signs everywhere. Sandwich boards on streets, signs on cars, flyers in windows.

The 70th Annual Redmond Derby Days parade was longer, had more entrants, and had a crowd along the streets present for viewing.

However, I was amazed by the number of people I ran into after Derby Days that said “Really, this was Derby Days weekend? I had no idea!”

For weeks prior to the Ananda Mela Festival in later June there were signs everywhere. Sandwich boards on streets, signs on cars, flyers in windows.

Where were the signs, posters and advertisements regarding Derby Days — a page on the back of the “Redmond Focus” magazine and a link on the Web site?

A town I lived in for several years as a teenager had a huge banner at the entrance to the city for everyone coming into the town to see. There was no doubt when our town celebration was held.

Walking around after the parade at the booths I was shocked at how few offerings there were to attract families. Many booth spots were empty. And the carnival on the other side of town (not the first year) was certainly not a draw for families to attend after the parade.

I have lived in Redmond for over 20 years. I am constantly amazed at what the city considers important. This is our town celebration, a SeaFair event, something people should look forward to all year. I’m sure they would if there were any advertising about it.

Once again, the city just doesn’t get “it.”

Paige Norman, Redmond